However, for those Koran who saw hallucinations, they were taken by one sentence and the other party did not ask more questions.

Their views should be the same as those of hounds and others, which is an "illusion" caused by the influence of Kelan’s spirit.
The other party will naturally not choose "self-exposure" without asking Kelan.
The only thing that makes Kelan talk a little more is to explain that he cracked the seven-order mercury lock by "luck", but he just asked a few more words.
"… you really wrote it like this?" Kelan has some words.
"What do you mean?" The female officer blinked her big eyes.
"Er, that …’ I cracked the seventh-order mercury lock with a few random dials because of my luck.’ Don’t you just write it?"
"Otherwise? Or were you just joking with me? "
"No, no, no … it’s really lucky, but no one will believe me if I write like this?"
"I am responsible for recording whether I believe it or not is not something I need to worry about," said the female officer solemnly.
"Well …"
"Then the transcript here is finished … if you don’t have any questions to add, you can go …" The female officer said that in the middle, she seemed to be attracted by something, and her eyes suddenly turned to one side-
Koran also turned to look at the past and saw the hound on the far left. The whole person supported the desktop, patting the window frame hard and arguing angrily.
This old dog guy … said he wasn’t calm enough, but now it’s his turn to quarrel with others.
Acrylic boards are double-layered and sandwich structures, and the sound insulation effect is very good. After Kelan finished hearing the hounds yelling, he said hello to the female officer and hurried out of the partition.
Just at this time, Leighton had dragged him out from the inside with a hound …
"What’s the matter?" Hound mouth still undignified scold Koran can ask to Leighton.
"It’s no big deal. Ein … is the parasitic huntress. Do you remember that she was identified as MIAMIA because the body was not found? You should know what that means, right? It’s the missing old dog. He thinks this is unreasonable and wants to change it to KIA. "
"What’s the difference?" KIA means Koran is also clear. Generally speaking, it describes someone’s "death in action"
"If it is a hunter, there is no difference between disappearance and death, but if it is classified into the army, the difference will be great … less pension treatment is a world of difference …"
Leighton said suddenly sighed, "do you know how the old dog retired? The real offender is just a sapporo. He commanded a battle before, and the troops suffered heavy casualties … There were at least a hundred brothers who died, but many people were defined as’ missing’ old dogs because they didn’t find the bodies and didn’t recycle the dog tags. This matter has been raging for a long time, and the contradictions almost caused mutiny … "
"Damn, this group of dogs is still this virtue. I watched people die and how they disappeared!" The hound spits out a mouthful of spittle. "Many of the former brothers were directly swallowed by wild animals. How can there be a body … those animals still have strong acid in their stomachs. Even if I go to pick up their shit, I can’t pick up half a dog tag … even if this is fucking missing? Bah! "
"All right, all right, old dog, calm down …" Seeing the hound picking up the chair, he wanted to hit Leighton at the window and hurriedly put him around.
"No, Ein, this matter must be clarified. Even if there are ten minutes, this bitch is my teammate!"
Chapter 40 Barbecue
"Old dog! We are still in danger now! You can’t kill a dead man and put all the living in! " Leighton sink said
Hound DengYuan eyes gills help hold bulging stared at Leighton for more than ten seconds before finally frustrated with a sigh and slowly sat down against the wall.
"Ah … code! This world … It was like this before, and it is still like this now … "
"Old dog …"
"We waste land and indigenous monsters spelled their lives hard. In the end, we can’t even apply for a pension … and what about the waste in the senior residential areas? They eat the best food and sleep well, and the most beautiful women have a party every now and then on weekends. They don’t face the danger. Many of them have never seen the outside world of the ark from birth to old age … "
"Old dog, be careful what you say … and they were afraid …"
"Afraid of what! Afraid of a Luan! You are either an old man or a coward? "
"It’s not that no one says you’re a coward … but now …" Leighton took a look at Kelan Kelan naively, and he could stand stand his hand.
"Those bloodsuckers who have lived from the old era to the present …" The hound gnashed his teeth. "A dead soldier’s pension is not as expensive as they point to a cigar, but even if it is such a small amount of money, they are afraid of falling out of their fingers."
"Ni … Mr. Hound, all this is handled in accordance with the standard procedures. Although I sympathize with the victims, I have no power to move the ark public funds … How about this? I personally pay compensation points to the families of those soldiers who died in Ein in those years and deduct them from my personal account?" The secret officer came up and said to the hound
"…" The hound kept silent. Although he wanted to make another fight, he knew that it would not lead to any result, and the dead would not get more compensation.
"Let’s go, old dog … I’ll treat you to a drink and come back alive. Didn’t you say you wanted to celebrate?" Taking this opportunity, Leighton directly pulled the hound out of the filing office.
Ivan went back to the clinic first if he wanted to have a prosthetic replacement for his arm. There was still no news from Asano Showa Zorig. The original seven-member squad was left with three people: Hound, Leighton and Kelan.
Leighton said it was a treat, but everyone could get a small cup-the diameter of this cup was almost as big as the circle of index finger and thumb, and the height of the liquid in it was not more than two centimeters.
In hounds’ words, it is "enough to moisten your tongue and not even touch your throat"
"How come the price of this thing has gone up by nearly 20% in just one month … it’s too dark!" Leighton’s strong body is squeezed into a small clever bench surface. Fortunately, the strength of the bench material is comparable to that of metal engineering plastics, otherwise it is estimated that it will not be able to carry his tonnage.
"I heard that this season’s serious crop failure in hydroponic farm seems to be due to the emergence of a new plant virus, and many food products have died of illness." Kelan picked up his glass and took a sip and took a skewer from the side grill.
Of course, this kebab is not real animal meat, but synthetic meat made of soybean protein and artificial fat. Naturally, the taste and flavor can’t be compared with real meat, but the price is one fifth lower than that of real meat.
This is also the first choice for the vast majority of middle-level residents of the Ark when they want to "meat". Anyway, the difference between real meat and fake meat is not so obvious if the sauce is enough.
"Those who are in charge of the inspection are all eating for nothing," said the hound with some disdain
A person and thing returning from the outside world should be carefully examined, especially those brought back "Zhanli" should be strictly isolated and disinfected once they are rated as "biological hazard level II"-a very serious epidemic broke out more than 40 years ago, which led to a decrease of nearly 1% in the population of the whole Ark, and it was only after verification that the virus came from a rotting corpse of an indigenous creature.
"But I don’t think it will affect those gentlemen. They don’t eat food grown in hydroponic farms … Do you really believe that rice grown in soil tastes better?" Leighton grabbed a handful of spices and sprinkled kebabs. Many of these tiny particles fell into the surface flame and made a crackling smell, which filled the air.
"I haven’t eaten and I’m not qualified to comment." Kelan swallowed a piece of protein meat and said.
"It’s all the same." The hound chewed and scratched his neck with greasy hands.
"ah? Have you eaten the old dog? " Leighton some surprise.
"I haven’t eaten it, but I’ve seen businessmen mix the grain produced by hydroponic farms into those’ native plants’ and’ high-grade goods’. It’s a little less than half. Those gentlemen’s tongues can’t tell which is hydroponic and which is native plants at all-"
"Hiccup ~ ~" The hound suddenly burped and continued, "It’s all just a gimmick. They think native plants are more noble than hydroponic farms. It’s because native plants wave precious spacecraft and soil and need more manpower and material resources to take care of them … Just like the old era, the same craft assembly line machine is better, but the rich will go after those who spend more time and energy making it by hand, which gives the merchants higher value, although this value has nothing to do with reality …
"Hiccup … what …" The hound looked up and drank up the little liquid in the cup. "It’s a miracle that the ark was built before the earth was destroyed."
"Maybe I will abandon those vanity and desires when my life is threatened." Kelan smiled. "If I throw those gentlemen into the wilderness and starve for more than ten days, don’t say anything about soil planting and hydroponics. It is estimated that they will swallow all the gray potatoes."
"No, no, no … they can’t be hungry for more than ten days because their roots won’t live to the next day. Ha ha ha ha-"The hound laughed and attracted people who also ate barbecues at several tables next to him.
"Grass old dog, you are right about stepping on the horse!" Leighton slapped his knee, but almost knocked over the thigh pool, which scared him to throw away the half-eaten kebab and put his hands around it.
Kelan took advantage of the swallowing gap and asked, "Leighton, when are you going to go back to the factory for overhaul?" Holding such a pool all day is not a thing. "
"Just these two days, I’m making a lot of money this time, so I can upgrade all my body parts, and then you can see a stronger me!"
"That’s not certain …" A somewhat effeminate voice came from the neighboring table. "Recently, manufacturers of mechanical prostheses have raised their prices by several points, especially the black market prices of those new models have gone crazy."
Chapter 41 Bater’s
"True or false? !” Leighton turned his head to talk. He was a tall and thin man with a pink explosive head. He was wearing a motorcycle jacket covered with rivets and nuts. Two old-fashioned mechanical arms stretched out from the short-sleeved scissors.
"It’s not a secret if you check for yourself." There is a hint of bitterness in the tone of the pink explosive head-Koran glanced at his prosthetic body, which is at least a 150-year-old model. Even the standard parts have been discontinued for a long time, and even the black market is hard to find these things, and I don’t know how he completes daily maintenance.
Leighton had already pulled out a PAD from his pocket, and he didn’t care that his fingers were still stained with oil stains, so the screen scratched.
But the more he rowed, the darker his face became.



