One day ago, the school manager went missing in Nantes, the capital of the French Atlantic Loire province.

Anger explained
Lu Chen’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. He thinks about what this place is. Although he is trying to learn all kinds of knowledge these days, he still has a long way to go to be like Chu Xiong’s geography encyclopedia.
Tell him some countries’ names, but he probably knows them in detail. He doesn’t know much about them when he gets to the provincial capital.
"A city in southern France has beautiful scenery and was rated as the most livable city in Europe a few years ago."
Anger saw Lu Chen’s troubles and probably introduced them.
"Sounds like a big city. Where is this young school manager going for his holiday?"
Lu Chen felt a little strange. After the principal explained, he probably figured out the geographical location of Nantes. Nantes is directly affected by the North Atlantic warm current and belongs to a typical temperate maritime climate. But now it is just March, and the average temperature is only seven degrees. That is really not a good time for a holiday.
I don’t know.
Anger shook his head.
Liu Chen leng happened yesterday, or is it still such a heavyweight? Both the executive department and the Laurent family should have made an urgent investigation. As a result, the principal told himself that he didn’t know.
"There is no news from the executive department, and the school management family has not given an answer?"
Liu Chenxin said that his family can’t all know what the master is doing out.
However, Anger still shook his head. "Lisa’s trip is more secretive. Except for a few confidants, no one knows what she is going to Nantes for. That’s the trouble now."
"Was it hijacked?"
Lu Chen is thoughtful.
"It’s possible that the executive department judged by clues that there should have been a battle at that time, and there was blood left but no body was found."
Anger looked a little heavy, and it was terrible for him that this happened now, both emotionally and in the situation.
"Although I don’t know much about what the school board members are, they should all be mixed-race families. Should the guards around you be elite mixed-race? What kind of power can make her evaporate in a big city like Nantes and even the executive department has not found effective clues? "
Lu Chen feels that this matter may be complicated.
Anger picked up the kettle to brew fresh tea. "The Laurent family is the largest syndicate in Europe. They are engaged in mining and finance. Few people in their family enter school. Strictly speaking, they are not our mixed-race people who fight and kill, but they will also hire outstanding students who graduated from college to be absorbed into their family. As far as I know, Lisa has at least four A-class elites with pedigree rating, all of whom have excellent performance in school."
"Principal, you educators are always generous in praising students, but it is too vague to say excellent. What is the specific level?"
Lu Chen felt that it was necessary to speculate on how powerful the forces holding the school manager were.
The headmaster hesitated slightly. "To be specific, it should not be inferior to your vice president Chu Hang."
Lu Chen was a little disappointed. He didn’t mean to look down on Brother Chu, but if this level of combat power is really not very strong.
"Are there any survivors of the supernumerary staff of the Laurent family?"
Although it feels unlikely, Lu Chen asked.
But to his surprise, the headmaster nodded. "There were two Laurent hybrids who were also in Nantes at that time. They were not Lisa’s entourage. Nantes also happened to go to Nantes to deal with special facts and ask questions afterwards. They didn’t know about it."
"Sounds suspicious."
Liu Chen some ponder laughed
"It’s really suspicious, but with the consent of the Laurent family, I mobilized Norma to inquire about the information of these two people. They arranged the theory three weeks ago when they went to Nantes. At that time, Lisa should not have decided to travel to Nantes, but according to the investigation of the executive department, it was inferred that Lisa was missing and when they were on the other side of the city."
"Seemingly fine, that is to say, do you still doubt the headmaster?"
"But from the logical and resume information, there is no suspicion, but from the intuitive and reasonable point of view, they should get rid of everything. What a coincidence, and they are still the kind of rare dirty work."
"Dirty work?"
Liu Chen tastes these two words.



