The driver couldn’t help calling out the name, the most terrible monster on earth. When a businessman hired her, she was a spy. She was a god of death when the military hired her; And let her act on her own is a nightmare for all living things.

"Children actually know me? Reward me and let you die happily. "Joan smiled with a lollipop in her mouth.
"What about Joan? ! If you dare to touch the goods of our overlord group, you will also die! "
The driver stormed off to start the laser pulse gun, and dozens of lasers exploded from the dome generator on the back of the quadruped chariot, just like changing laser lights in a ballroom, but everything was cut neatly, even the titanium alloy floor with a thickness of 3 cm was burnt with deep marks, and Joan’s plump little body was naturally resisted.
Strangely enough, Joan walked forward like a dancer, walking accurately and mistakenly through thousands of lasers, and gracefully. A word horse slid to the bottom of the chariot, and 12 Raytheon guns stretched out from the bottom and aimed at Joan’s head to rotate and preheat.
"Don’t play"
Joan bit her teeth, and steam billowed from the gap in the right arm of the dark Galaxy lollipop machine, and her arm shone like a red-hot soldering iron.
Blasting a Joan to the bottom of the chariot is a punch that directly penetrates the fourth layer of tactical armor of the chariot, just like burning a red knife into butter.
The driver was burned to death before he felt the pain, and the rotating artillery in the cab stopped.
"Poor dogs in rich families or the happiest free wolves like me."
Joan sighed and pulled out the mechanical arm. The latosolic red color faded and the dark appearance was restored. She took out the new Milky Way lollipop from the outer thigh and licked it with her mouth.
Boom Boom Boom
Joan blasted the warehouse door stronger than the bank vault with three punches. The alarm was like an alarm clock, which woke everyone up. When Joan had a dream, she was in front of Guxuan’s favorite goods.
Unexpectedly, there is an ice crystal with a diameter of 3 meters in the warehouse with a capacity of 4 tons of rare ore materials. Cold smoke is rolling down the surface of the ice crystal, and a huge searchlight illuminates it for more than a day, and the ice crystal shows no signs of melting.
"finally meet me, my baby."
Joan smiled and the palm of her hand stroked the 12-degree ice. Through the clean crystal, she could clearly see a naked girl sleeping on the ice!
The second chapter hide in my sheets
The three-dimensional surround alarm of the Pioneer is like a high-pitched symphony, which makes people feel excited and makes hundreds of guards with guns rush towards the warehouse.
Later, Joan, who was chasing after her, didn’t rest assured that the tip of her tongue stirred the Milky Way lollipop. She was obsessed with admiring the girl in the ice crystal who lamented that heaven and earth were unfair and created such a perfect defective carcass, which kept her beautiful and insoluble ice crystals frozen up forever.
"My little cute, what’s your name? Sister really wants to know, "Joan pear vortex chuckled.
"Stop it!" In response, she is not a girl in the ice, but a piece of screen with a beautiful and resolute face like an ancient Greek sculpture. Gu Xuan appeared in the center of the screen. "Is Joan’s price right?"
"Ouch! Isn’t this our high antique? It’s a great honor for you to call my name. "Joan turned and bowed sarcastically.
"I don’t care who invites you to come, I’ll pay twice the price." Guxuan never drags his hand or bargains.
"Antique prices can always make people’s hearts burst and jump." Joan charmingly stroked her metal chest. "It’s a pity that I really can’t beat me without money."
"Want to status? I can divide a city for you and make you emperor of ten thousand people. "
"The emperor? That sounds great, but I still don’t want it. Obviously, what my employer gave me was your bid, "Joan declined."
"You this mechanical worm don’t you really stole my things can live to see the sun? The overlord will kill you, kill everyone you know, and even your neighbor’s dog will be dismembered! " Guxuan face ferocious way
"The sun? Antique adults must be the emperor’s ring for so long that they have forgotten our dark clouds. Who can see the sun? My employer promised me a new world. Did you give it? " Joan said and strolled to one side and set up a control panel.
"Wait! What do you want? " Guxuan some panic.
"Of course I don’t expect that I can take this beauty from your hordes, but she will deliver it to my employer herself and deliver it now."
Joan said with her elbow, the control panel beside her was smashed into pieces, and the huge ice crystal was put in the warehouse, and the real gravity quickly threw this ice knot out of the transport.
"Bastard! Asshole! I want your life! I want your life! Rail gun ready! " At the other end of the camera, Guxuan completely collapsed. I didn’t care that the transport ship had 36 employees of my company besides Joan.
No one dared to question his orders, even though he was crazy.
Four suspended rail guns around the universe port in Zone A of the Emperor’s Ring quickly adjusted their angle for half a kilometer, and the muzzle of the gun aimed at the direction of the pioneer ship.
"ah! ! ! ! !” The transport ship wailed everywhere, and they fled in haste and rushed to the lifeboat room as quickly as possible, but it was still late.
5 seconds to complete the shaped charge orbit shelling and rumbling, and shoot four silver-white lasers, which dismembered the huge pioneer ship into pieces like tofu, and the huge explosion came from the engine room.
In just one second, the monster exploded into a huge fireball, which covered up the sun’s brilliance and formed a shock wave, which made the ring of Pang Da sway slightly.
It’s hard to imagine anyone who can do this. Fortunately, Joan is nothing anymore. When the ice crystal was sucked out of the space mask, she jumped out of the transport ship together, slipped past the emperor’s ring like a meteor and followed gravity to the atmosphere.
Gathering for several kilometers and watching the ice crystal fly according to the established trajectory, she was relieved because her companion would take over the ice crystal from the falling point to complete the business.
But at this moment, Joan suddenly found that the middle school girl suddenly opened her eyes when the ice crystals were red in the atmosphere. !
"Is it an illusion?"
Joan said to herself in surprise. After a flash, the surface of the ice crystal was covered with a lot of steam generated by friction and fell to the black cloud to wrap the earth.
At this moment, Zhang Lan, a "Missy" pub in the backyard of the third Bangbang city in Gert, the earth, was surrounded by a dozen friends and made a crazy toast at the corner table.
His new shirt for the interview has been changed by vomit and drinks, and his original delicate face is as red as a shrimp because of alcoholism.
When he was awake, he was also a handsome boy. Now he is shaking his glass at the table like throwing coins. "Come on! Keep drinking! Don’t worry about money! Me! Count me in! "
Zhang Lan’s heroism won a full house of cheers. Even though many people in the crowd can’t even name them, I don’t know who called him over for dinner. Not only that, but two girls with big breasts and heavy make-up caught him in the middle. I’m really worried that their breasts will explode soon after they finish.
In the past, Zhang Lan didn’t have such a lot of money, and naturally he didn’t have so much money. He was an orphan and was born at the age of 12. He worked as a dish washer while saving money for all kinds of necessary classes to study hard. Some people advised him not to pay for boxing or shoot, but to be a bounty hunter or a rogue. This is what suits his background.
But he just doesn’t like to use force and likes to use his head to read.
Everything comes to him who waits. He actually passed the most stringent regional manager exam of Bawang Group on his second birthday, and he can successfully enter the position of the largest enterprise on the earth and walk to the peak of his life!
The manager in the overlord regiment is always assigned a car and a house for life. If you go out, you don’t have to show your work certificate. Just like seeing a fly, you can’t get rid of it!
He has every reason to indulge in revelry. Life is about to change! But Zhang Lan’s charming face is smiling but she can’t feel happy.
That kind of feeling is like a player struggling to get all the props through.
Not satisfied, but lost …
In the end, Zhang Lan didn’t bring a big-breasted girl home. Maybe his vomit was too disgusting. Maybe his family was too disgusting. He waddled through the garbage collection mountain alone and returned to the old tin house dormitory in the middle of the mobile.
This is the cheapest room rented to his home by the janitor of Garbage Mountain for several kilometers. Besides the bad smell, it was also cleaned up by Zhang Lan. Can you live there?
This kind of home is not afraid of being stolen, and the door will not be locked. Zhang Lan, who is drunk, directly poured the iron bed and fell asleep.
This is his last night living in garbage. He will have his own house and his own car, and he can live brightly even if he doesn’t see the sun, right?
But it was also the second day when the alarm clock sounded. At that moment, Zhang Lan had a hangover and a headache. Was it found that a naked girl was sleeping in her arms? !
The third chapter is not as good as animals
Zhang Lan, a 2-year-old virgin (maybe still ……), lives in a deserted garbage disposal plant, and she just passed the final interview for the regional manager of Bawang Group yesterday. Her fate should change from today.



