"civilians? Sir, I don’t think civilians can actively wield German machine guns. This damn war is over early. "The major’s expression suddenly became very strange. He solemnly crossed his chest." May the emperor forgive us all the sins we committed before! "

Watching Shu run quickly to one of the "Mathilda No.44" schools, he shook his head and said to himself, "This terrible war may have to drag on for three years or more!"
When the roadbed is loose and the country road is heavy and Mathilda can go a little higher than the kilometer, fortunately, the tank still smells of paint. It didn’t break down halfway. Major John Lautness graduated from a regular military college and walked with this strange tank column for about 7 kilometers. Suddenly, a large group of people were sitting on the roadside grass. To be exact, it was a group of khaki troops wearing epaulettes and badges. The official name of the militia carrying rifles and various weapons is the "Soil Defence Volunteers". At the beginning of last year, the registered number of this huge militia team has reached, with more than 10,000 people. They are found in every town and port in Britain. Their weapons are simple but they are ready to invade the enemy and fight tenaciously!
Before Xin Erlong passed by, the two sides looked at each other with small eyes. The young British herded out each other’s identity and fighting capacity, so they led the tank column to move on with a serious expression. The militiamen, who are very different in age, saw the majestic momentum of these tanks, and finally there was new hope in their dim eyes, and people gradually got up.
"Sir" finally, a middle-aged man with an umbrella carrying a rifle ran to the leading tank and shouted to the major as hard as he could, "Can we move with your tank?"
"Go home! War is a military matter! Go back to protect your family, "the major grumpily shouted and answered him.
Wait for a while, a middle-aged man, stopped slowly, but in a blink of an eye, he ran quickly forward again, with his hands close to his mouth. "Sir, we know a shortcut, and the Germans ignored it, but I believe the tank can pass! We can turn the tide. "
On hearing this, the major quickly climbed out of the turret and jumped into the cockpit. He followed the driver with a big jump, and then the tank stopped, followed by four tanks.
"You said there was a shortcut?" The major jumped lightly.
The middle-aged man pointed to the south and said, "Yes, sir! There is a dense bush two miles south from here, and the Germans have deployed machine gun positions in the back, but there are no cannons nearby! We can’t rush through the machine gun blockade, but your tank is not afraid of German bombs. "
"The bushes? How wide? Major Lautness took out a brown paper map from his pocket and beat the barrel to find the area the militia leader said.
"It’s about half a mile wide, and the bushes there are about as high as the chest. There are no big trees or roots in it! We tried to attack from there before, but now the Germans have laid mines! Oh, by the way, there is a stream behind the bush. At this time, the water can’t reach the ankle. The German position is arranged on the hill beyond the stream. "The middle-aged man helped to find the map, but it was obvious that he was at a loss about the military map, which helped him more and more.
The urgent major finally gave up his attempt to find a small bush in the land full of all kinds of lines and symbols, but he still asked cautiously, "what are on both sides of the bush?"
"Nothing!" The middle-aged man shouted, "It is that Tian Xiaoxi is flanked by large tracts of farmland, sir. The Germans have planted many mines in the flat fields and machine guns and mortars blocked our roots!" Only this bush and the hills behind it are our only hope! "
The major bit his lip and hesitated for the last few seconds. "Well, you can lead the way ahead. Maybe the hope of Cardiff war lies in our group of people."
The middle-aged man grinned. "Hey, it’s not driving us home!"! The regular troops are still preparing to attack in the west, and it will take half an hour to wait for them to come! "
"What time do you have to laugh?" The major scolded him unhappily, but when he returned to the tank, his frown became tighter, but there was hope in his eyes. He held his right hand high and kept paddling from back to front in the middle. Although many of these temporary crew members were on the battlefield for the first time, they could still understand these simple moves, even if they didn’t understand, just follow the leading tank south!
When the British 6 th Army troops tried their best in 6 places, the British fleet at the mouth of Bristol Bay narrowly escaped the crisis. The German seaplane dropped a couple of torpedoes and medicine bombs back and forth, and most of them went to three British capital ships. The small bombs were innocuous, but those torpedoes flying around the sea with white tail marks made the British naval officers and men almost nervous. In the end, the flagship "Tired of War" ate a torpedo and two bombs, and the "Warrior" ate a bomb. "
Looking at the motionless figure of "War-weary", the British naval officers and men finally breathed a sigh of relief. In the past two days, the nightmare of the Turkish fleet has almost overwhelmed them.
The German side is relatively slow, and the seaplane has become the best target of the British fleet’s fire prevention. During the whole battle, four pilots were shot down and wounded. As far as the night raid is concerned, it is even worse than the worst level during the exercise. Except for some reasons, it can be attributed to luck. After all, the enemy firepower in the real knife battle is much more "severe" than the exercise judges!
The last flare was extinguished, and the British fleet was far away from the previous shelling position. The officers and men were checking the damage of their respective ships and giving emergency treatment to the injured. Two destroyers were ordered to search for escape. At this time, six German torpedo boats emerged from the darkness, and they appeared like assassins shooting cold arrows, but they were extremely toxic. "Oh, there are still a few hours left."
Chapter 4 A sharp sword in rough waters
The second oil engine is running at full capacity, roaring and screaming. Six German torpedo boats with roaring naval guns are like six sharp swords chopping waves on the boiling sea.
That low stern mast, the bright flag of the German navy, is hunting in the wind!
"Yes! Yes! Let’s attack the first big warship on the right together! , lead, ugly, strong you attack the leftmost ship! All boats approach as close as possible to persuade rice before releasing torpedoes! I repeat, "Blade narrows! "
In the numbered port, the fleet torpedo boat has a big hood * * officer holding the line microphone and laying out the final tactics for the whole torpedo attack formation. This port and Nai were all built by the German Navy in the summer of Yo, Yo, and the displacement of the old witch-grade fleet torpedo boat was built in the age of jumping to Tun to replace the blade. The old "lightning strike ship became the new leader of the German Navy’s high torpedo boat force." A single boat can carry six powerful salt millimeter torpedoes to carry out sea assault attack. It is quite powerful!
The four boats with closely arranged numbers are also new ships built by the German Navy in the year of Yo. They are equipped with 14,000 horsepower diesel engines, and each boat is equipped with two pea-millimeter fish laser tubes and two force-millimeter guns. Because the tonnage of the boat is not enough, it is usually possible to sail from brest Port to Burstor Bay in recent naval battles. Most of the voyages are towed by cargo ships!
With the order of the war, four boats quickly crossed the ship and attacked the big warship at the tail of the British fleet. Since the attack on the German torpedo boat, the British rushed to hit the searchlight and fired several flares at the sea. After a little silence, the sea became noisy again. The shells on the side of British warships, large and small, stirred up an amazing number of water columns in front of the German torpedo boat team. It was like taking part in the sea obstacle course. We had better not only avoid being directly hit by shells, but also stay away. The explosion point is as far away as possible. After all, in the pursuit of high navigation, they greatly sacrificed their protective armor to properly protect the fighters and important equipment … Yes! Yes! The frontal fire is too strong! Turn right, turn right, bypass the fire zone! "Watching the water column in front almost formed an insurmountable water wall, Captain Hu quickly contacted the current ship. At the same time, at his side, the helmsman quickly turned the steering wheel with simple style, and everyone in this cockpit looked equally resolute!
The Imperial Navy, which is carrying the dream of the Germanic Sea, has experienced too many ups and downs. It rose in the Erpitz era, fell drunk in Flo, Scappa for 20 years, and then rose rapidly in the new German era. This time, they don’t want to sink again!
On the sea, two large torpedo boats with streamlined hulls quickly turned right and drew an arc on the sea. With the hull turning at a large angle, the sailors on the inclined deck had to hold on to the fixed objects around them.
The ship keeps breaking and surging, and the white spray and foam are coming endlessly. Everyone is soaked to the skin. Who cares about this trouble at the thought of hitting the Englishman across the street hard?
"Distance mountain fierce meters! That’s a big battleship! Very big! The firepower is very fierce! " The commander’s rope of the boat in the cab firmly tied himself to the pole and fell into the sea due to the wave washing or the hull shaking during observation.
"pay attention! Boys, we are going to sprint in a straight line! " Captain Hu shouted like this not only to vent an emotion, but the sailors who participated in the Norwegian war all knew that the straight sprint was helpful to ensure the torpedo attack hit rate, but the enemy’s artillery fire would be correspondingly accurate, and some shrapnel and impact were fatal challenges to the deck people!
Sharp ships quickly put themselves in the right position. Their target is located at the edge of the illuminated area. The naked eye can see the ignorant ship shadow and the flashing fire point. When the large-caliber gun of the ship fires slowly, the fireball from the muzzle will light up a small area. The gray-white steel hull looks bold and thick, but they are still more powerful than the fear of large-caliber torpedoes!
"Ant rice!" As soon as the shooting commander lost the concave meter distance, it took only half a minute for the fleet torpedo boat to reach the highest in the stone sea! However, in this half minute, as many as seven shells landed in Fiona Fang at 20 meters. If the scope is expanded to 50 meters, the number can’t be counted!
I just recovered from the German seaplane attack, and then I have to face the high assault. The German torpedo boats have been scraped and practiced, and the British sailors still showed the ability of the Royal Navy to match the fighting. The accurate artillery fire fell over the deck of two large torpedo boats, and people were constantly being brushed into the sea, while the rest were still waiting for the shooting orders by two triple-packed fish laser tubes.
With the distance getting closer, the German torpedo boats, naval guns and machine guns also shot fiercely at the British warships. Although they had no hope of penetrating even the auxiliary turret of the British battleship, it would be a disaster for other crew members to shoot tirelessly. Six important psychological hints! We are a group of tough cockroaches! Let’s teach the Bo people a lesson!
"Lead rice!" The shooting commander is still reporting the distance at the martyrdom point. At this time, Captain Dahu has heard the report of the fleet from the wire communicator. "We are shooting torpedoes at the distance! Four boats return! "
Small size means that the target’s four boats lost in the attack process is not explosive. After all, in the battle of Norway, the German torpedo team met the British warships twice, and only one torpedo boat was lost in the fierce battle. The British side was stung by these haili swords, and they lost their asses back and forth. Many allied soldiers retreated from Norway and died in the sea!
"Pay attention to avoid gunfire when retreating!" Hu was kind enough to wake his companions, but his voice dropped. This large torpedo boat shook violently in a loud crash. The glass of the cockpit porthole broke and the broken glass spilled all over the floor, including Hu. Several officers should also fall to the ground.
"Damn it! How is everyone? " Captain Hu struggled to shout that the air was filled with smoke, wood burning and pungent gas, and the helmsman fell motionless on the deck, coughing and moaning in his ears.
Resisting the severe pain from the head and neck, Captain Hu resolutely climbed up on the wheel rudder. Through the porthole with the remaining glass fragments, he saw a dark hole suddenly appeared next to the millimeter naval gun on the front deck, but there was no complete body around him!
Although the torpedo boat was bombed, its navigation did not decrease because the helmsman turned the wheel rudder when he fell backwards, and the course was already unknown.
Captain Hu turned the steering wheel with one hand and grabbed the com with the other, but now all its wires have been broken, so he threw them aside angrily.
As the boat re-aimed at the direction of the British fleet, Captain Hu saw that his current ship, a large torpedo boat, had rushed to the front, and in the further distance, the British fleet was ablaze with flames!



