In summer, there should be birds and animals disappearing in the jungle. There are almost no living things in the cold fog around the forest. If you look closely, you can see the remains of those creatures all over the jungle.

Li Jue stretched out his hand and grabbed a finger, which seemed to test the air touch. In fact, this is the secret technique of "exploring the wind and exploring the spirit" of the ghost eater to estimate the anger concentration of the necromancer in a certain range
"It’s almost as good as Ghost Gate Lake."
"A normal storm Yin prison is a large-scale killing of creatures with a high concentration of evil spirits, otherwise there will be no such thing as’ Yin prison’. And this is to prepare for the magic bullet. "
For this, Butterfly Orchid is like a treasure in the world. It seems that there has never been anything she doesn’t know. "The eye range is still personal. Once I met a semi-mysterious world and it was frozen in, and it lasted for a whole hundred days. It was really the extinction of all living things and the night walk of ghosts. It took two hundred years to digest the subsequent influence."
Does it mean that the monks in the East China Sea should be content?
With such ironic thoughts, they came to the place where Qingyin last appeared, and it was like water butterfly orchid said that all the plants and animals in Fiona Fang’s 50-mile range were really dead. The only inconsistency in prediction was that they were not all frozen to death in the typhoon, but a number of trees were cut down and a lot of land was cleared.
Because of this, the scattered monks in the line of sight are particularly unsightly
This group of monks or sitting seems to form a circle, and their expression is sharp and calm, which is exactly the tightness outside.
Li Jue took a glance and saw that several of them were quite familiar. It seems that some of the famous names in the metaphysical world are just like the masters of the series of ten resolutions.
The other side is quite alert, but Shuidielan is the leading illusionist in this field. She tried the magic knife a little and let the two of them rest a hundred feet away from the group of monks. According to Shuidielan, the last time they caught the trace of Qingyin was this.
Neither of them paid attention to the monks, but carefully examined the trees in the hope of finding some clues.
This kind of thing is still better than Li Xun’s accomplishments. She really found some clues after several trips back and forth.
From this, they went around a small circle and came to a forest with more dense trees a mile away.
Water butterfly orchid should jump into a giant tree with a height of 70 feet and then shake his head. "You can find it here. Your lover is to ask the thief God if you fly from here and then go there."
As soon as the word "thief God" was exported, there was another thunder and fire.
Clawing one’s teeth straight into the East China Sea, talking and thundering seem to come from a very far distance and shake people’s hearts and wake people up. At the moment, the mainstream is still the fierce battle between life and death in the East China Sea.
When the thunder and fire split, Shuidielan’s eyebrows picked up something in her heart. She turned her head and looked down at the group of scattered repairs not far away from this angle. There was no one here, but the intensity of the storm did not decrease. It happened that the group of scattered repairs were like stakes, and the ground scene could not be said to be strange.
She moved her eyes back and noticed that Li Xun was about to speak, but she saw that Li Xun was also staring at the group of people. At first, her eyes were sharp, as if there was a great hatred, but gradually her eyes were scattered and not condensed. A focus seemed to see what was behind through the wall.
"Is it weird?"
Shuidielan leaned her head over to try to see more things from Li Xun’s position. Li Xun didn’t mind that such intimate gesture was to raise her hand and draw several imaginary lines.
"Very ingenious arrangement of forbidden laws seems to be forbidden and can be changed at any time. The movement can accommodate a considerable amount of vitality."
The difference between the so-called prohibition and the battle array is not as great as it is literally. The former can achieve the goal relatively static vegetation and rocks, and even scribble lines casually. The latter has more flexible people to arrange the quality, which is beneficial to limited resources, clever design and generation of various changes to achieve traction and drive the vitality.
A qualified learner of forbidden law is bound to master these two means with the same origin but different, but there are only a few people who can really transfer flexibility to reality, even Li Xun himself dare not say that he has any confidence because of his lack of corresponding experience.
However, in this strange scene, there is a ban and a two-way transformation of the appearance. How can you not attract Li Xun’s attention?
Moreover, both Li Xun and Shuidielan have vaguely discovered this remote corner of the East China Sea, where the situation is indescribable.
"Is this an eye?"
Water butterfly orchid is purely a nonsense river, but I didn’t know that Li Xun actually nodded "very likely"
And he continued to draw in vain. "When Yang motive is south and Razer North throbs, the machines start …"
"Stop!" Shuidielan grumpily interrupted him, "Say something that others can understand."
Li Jue heard a smile and continued, "Simply put, the appearance of the weapons and weapons here is closely linked, especially when the thunder is released. The reaction here is particularly fierce, but the arrangement of banning the law here has not changed with the change of the appearance, and it is finally in a relatively static state. From this point of view, it is very likely that the weapons and weapons will appear in the appearance of the main array."
"The main eye?" Water butterfly orchid has no sense of jubilation, but looks around at the surrounding environment. "If the main array is ancient, so many people will watch it?"
"It’s possible, besides, there are still some things that are not white. Even in the eyes of the array, the exchange of vitality from the outside world is too frequent. Some of them have not lost the meaning of" drawing and lacking, flowing but not diffuse "…"
Li Jue stopped halfway, and he was very upset to find that he was distracted after all. Whether it was the changeable situation in the East China Sea or the simple armory, it was quite attractive to him and he often forgot the most important thing in front of him.



